02.What is intellectual property? (Intellectual Property):We will explain about Intellectual property rights in an easy-to-understand manner with illustrations. (IPdash Tokyo intellectual property firm/ Patent Attorney Hisamitsu TOMEBA)

This is the 2nd part of our seminar, “Intellectual Property in Japan (Patent right)”.
“Intellectual property rights” will be explained in an easy-to-understand manner with slides.

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Here is one question.
What is intellectual property (IP) right?

What is the difference between intellectual property right and patent right.?

This may be a little bit difficult question.
After a moment’s thought, please go on to the next slide.

Intellectual property right is a generic term for patent right, design right, trademark right, copyright, geographcal indications, etc.

Ideas created by a person sometimes have a property value.
That kind of ideas is collectively called “intellectual property”.

Intellectual property right is a generic term for patent right, trademark right, or copyright, etc.

There is no specific right (act) called “intellectual property right (act)”.
Patent right is one of the intellectual property rights.

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You may have heard about trademark act or copyright act.
Not only them, there are a lot of intellectual property rights.

Next page will introduce such a variety of rights (Document from Japan Patent Office).

Intellectual property rights: Patent right, Utility model right, Design right, Copyright, Layout design license, Breeder's right, Trade secret, Trademark right, Trade names, indications of goods or business, Geographical indication (GI). Industrial property rights is under the jurisdiction of Japan Patent Office.

Other than patent rights or trademark rights, there are intellectual property such as Breeder’s rights, Geographical Indication, etc.

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Patent act, Utility model act, Design act and Trademark act are under the jurisdiction of Japan Patent Office (JPO).

In other examples, Copyright act is under the jurisdiction of the Agency for cultural affairs, and
Plant variety protection and seed act is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

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How should we utilize these intellectual property rights in business?
We will introduce an example of KOKUYO Corporation.

An eraser “Kadokeshi” is triply protected by patent rights, design rights, and trademark rights.

KOKUYO Co., Ltd. released an eraser “Kadokeshi”.

This highly designed product is triply protected by patent, design, and trademark rights.

It is a good example in which one product is protected by multiple intellectual property rights.

Summary: Intellectual property right is a generic term for patent right, trademark right, copyright, etc. One product can be protected by multiple IP rights.

I’d like to wrap up with a summary of this part.
1. Intellectual property right is a generic term for patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights, etc.
2. One product can be protected by multiple Intellectual Property rights.

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By understanding intellectual property deeply, strong protection of your goods and services can be achieved.

Moreover, you may acquire new business opportunities when your intellectual property is noticed.

That’s all for Part 2 (Intellectual property rights).

IPdash Tokyo Intellectual Property Firm (Japan)

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