Representative, Hisamitsu Tomeba (Left), was interviewed in 2020.
Interviewer Takashi UCHIYAMA (Right) is a former WBA (boxing) world champion.
This banner is a link for the interview article (outside page; Japanese).
Seminar Materials (Intellectual Property in Japan (Patent right))
Japanese Patent Act is introduced in easy-to-understand manner with slides.
Patent Application: 397,000 JPY (Japan Patent Office(JPO) fee + Our charge, Include Prior Art Search)
Application Examination: (138,000 + claims × 4,000) JPY (JPO fee ONLY) *
Office Action: 97,600 JPY (Our charge, FIXED)
Registration: (4,300 + claims × 300) JPY (JPO fee ONLY, First 3 years) *
TOTAL(Estimate): 700,000 JPY include JPO fee
*There is a reduction system for small entity. Please ask.
(Reference: 1USD – 145JPY @2024)
1 class
Trademark Application: 71,600 JPY (Japan Patent Office(JPO) fee + Our charge)
Registration Fee: about 17,200 JPY (JPO fee ONLY, First 5years)
TOTAL: 89,000 JPY include JPO fee
2 classes
Trademark Application: 100,200 JPY (JPO fee + Our charge)
Registration Fee: about 34,400 JPY (JPO fee ONLY, First 5years)
TOTAL: 133,000 JPY include JPO fee
(Reference: 1USD – 115JPY @2022 March)
You can choose from Credit Card or PayPal.

IPdash TOKYO Intellectual Property Firm
1. Tokyo Office
Address:Dia heights bldg.2F, 2-2-15 Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo (ZIP code)105-0013 Japan
Phone :81-3-6665-0885
Nearest station are as follows.
1. JR-line “Hamamatsu-cho” station (5 min. on foot)
2. Toei-Asakusa or Oedo line “Daimon” station (3 min. on foot)
2. Shizuoka (Hamamatsu) Office
Address:265-8 Kibune, Hamakita-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka (ZIP code)434-0038 Japan
Nearest station is Enshu Railway “Hamakita” station (5 min. on foot).
Business Hour:AM9:00〜PM7:00 (You can contact on Saturday, Sunday, or National Holiday)
Please contact us before dropping at our office.